Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM)AEM is a voluntary, incentive-based program that helps farmers make common-sense, cost-effective and science-based decisions to help meet business objectives while protecting and conserving the State's natural resources. Farmers work with local AEM resource professionals to develop comprehensive farm plans using a tiered process:
Tier 1 - Inventory current activities, future plans and potential environmental concerns Tier 2 - Document current land stewardship; assess and prioritize areas of concern. Tier 3 - Develop conservation plans addressing concerns and opportunities tailored to farm goals. Tier 4 - Implement plans utilizing available financial, educational and technical assistance. Tier 5 - Evaluate to ensure the protection of the environment and farm viability For more information regarding AEM look below and then click here |
To view the AEM Strategic Plan, please click on the link below
AEM Strategic Plan - 2020-2025
AEM Strategic Plan - 2020-2025
AEM is:
- Voluntary - Farmers choose to participate.
- Watershed-based - The AEM approach is carried out within the context of a holistic watershed planning effort whenever possible.
- Customized farm-by-farm - Natural resource and business conditions unique to each farm are considered throughout the AEM process.
- A Team Approach - AEM coordinates technical assistance from state, federal and local government programs, as well as the private sector.
- Cost Effective - AEM targets program, technical, and financial resources to farms with the greatest potential for impacting the environment.
- Statewide - The NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets and the NYS Soil & Water Conservation Committee secure funding for AEM, oversee the educational and training program for Certified AEM Planners, and provide standards and leadership for the program statewide.
- Locally-led and implemented - The statewide AEM initiative grew from counties and local watershed groups adopting and refining the planning and implementation process used in AEM. County-level groups have responsibility for directing and carrying out AEM in their counties.
- Tested and Science-based - The AEM planning process is based on well-established environmental planning processes. Environmental protection measures are based on scientific principles and research. Procedures are also provided to use and develop new, innovative approaches where appropriate.
- Confidential - State law protects the confidentiality of AEM plans, on-farm surveys, and assessments filed with the NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets or County Soil & Water Conservation Districts.
Goals of AEM:
Farmers have long been regarded as the original stewards of the land because a farm's livelihood directly depends on the health and vitality of the soil and water resources. AEM is designed to help farmers further protect those and other important natural resources. By participating in AEM, farmers can document their environmental stewardship and contribute to a positive image of agriculture in their communities. If a potential environmental concern is identified through the AEM assessment process, farmers can then take steps to plan for and then implement and appropriate course of action through the AEM approach. The AEM assessment, planning and implementation process helps to target limited local, state and federal technical and financial resources to farms with the greatest potential for impacting the environment. The farmer is always the ultimate decision-maker in cooperation with members of local AEM teams and qualified private consultants which help to ensure that farm business objectives are met while also achieving locale, state and federal environmental and water quality goals.
The primary goal of AEM is to protect and enhance the environment while maintaining the viability of agriculture in New York State.
Additionally AEM strives to:
The primary goal of AEM is to protect and enhance the environment while maintaining the viability of agriculture in New York State.
Additionally AEM strives to:
- Document environmental stewardship activities that farmers have already undertaken;
- Implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) on farms consistent with the resouces of each individual farm;
- Help farmers understand and comply with existing and future environmental regulations;
- Reduce farmers' exposure to liability;
- Increase the awareness of nonfarm community members of how agriculture benefits the environment and their communities, and how farmers are already working to protect natural resources;
- Increase farmers' awareness of how farm practices affect the environment on and off the farm;
- Provide "one-stop-shopping" service to farmers in terms of finding out about, applying for and meld together various local, state and federal assistance and incentive programs;
- Use limited public program and financial resources efficiently by working on farms with the greatest potential for impacting the environment and;
- Promote teamwork between farmers, agricultural service agencies and agribusiness.
Cayuga County is proud to have a long history of agricultural environmental stewardship.
In 2008, Fessenden Farms of King Ferry were chosen for the statewide Agricultural Environmental Management Award.
Below: In 2012, Patterson Farms of Aurelius and Springport were awarded the statewide
Agricultural Environmental Management Award.