Conservation Field Days is an outdoor educational event for sixth graders, co-sponsored by the Cayuga County Soil and Water Conservation District and Cooperative Extension of Cayuga County. This year's program will be held Tuesday, September 17, and Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at Emerson Park, in Auburn. The purpose of Conservation Field Days is to give the sixth grade students who attend an opportunity to become better acquainted with natural resources and the environment. They will have a chance to learn about efforts that are being made by many groups and individuals to conserve our natural resources. Professionals from various fields will give short programs, enabling the students to learn not only about the subject matter discussed, but also see nature and conservation related occupations in action. The students travel around to each station on their trail for 30 minute intervals each. An essay contest is then held by allowing the students to write about their favorite station and submitting back to us within a few weeks after the event. We then pick multiple winners that are mentioned in the newspaper and are given prizes and copies of their essays.
Essays Due By: November 1, 2024
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