Available GrantsThe grants listed below are available through the District. Please read through the listed grants and decide if any are right for you. If you find one that seems to work for you, please fill out the attached form and send it to us via email. If you have further questions on any of the grants listed, please feel free to contact us.
Funding can be competitive and is not quaranteed.
Round 28 Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Abatement and Control ProgramProject Requirements
Eligible Locations: Cayuga County Eligible Projects: The Agricultural Nonpoint program awards projects that focus on either environmental planning or the implementation of best management practice systems to protect New York's watersheds. Projects include conservation measures, such as nutrient management through manure storage, vegetative buffers along streams, and conservation cover crops. Application Deadline - Due by April 1, 2022 To apply: Please fill out the contact information below and submit. Someone will be contacting you within a week of submission.